Sunday 3 November 2013

Now we're on our way a bit, I thought it best to do my best to spread the word.  We have:

And, labels!!

The whole concept of Rosie Mae (which, incidentally is the name of my third child - did I say that already?! Shocking memory theses days!  Not for orders though - any orders made remembered like the birth of my first child (but with glee, not pain).  Anyway, I digress..............Rosie Mae was born out of me and my mum (is that correct grammatically? my grammar is shocking, as is my spelling) being, dare I say it, a bit bored and unfulfilled with our lives. 

We both like making and growing so decided to make a few bits and bobs and plant a few bulbs and take a punt on a local craft fair (somewhere far enough away so that nobody would know us!).  You've seen my patchwork, now for some of my mum's stuff.

Going with the same theme, mum can do patchwork too!! (measures approximately 25 cm by 40 cm, £15 (plus postage))

And really fancy machine embroidery (measures approximately 30 cm by 30 cm, £25 (plus postage))

Mum also responsible for these lovely hand embroidered canvass pictures, ideal for a child's bedroom (each measure 20 cm by 20 cm, £8 each (plus postage))



So here we are. (Ok so I missed out the fact that the first few craft fairs were disasters but for friends and family.  Did I say first few? I promised myself I'd be honest didn't I?!  ALL of the craft fairs so far have been pretty shite.  Then I met the lovely Gemma in The Alcove, Bakewell.  Gemma took a look at our stuff and took some of it to sell in her shop.  Her best sellers are these very simple, yet stylish (obviously!!) bags.

Large Oil Cloth (measures approximately 32 cm wide by 35 cm high, £12 (plus postage))

Medium Oil Cloth (measures approximately 25 cm high by 28 cm high, £9 (plus postage))

Small Oil Cloth (measures approximately 17 cm high by 19 cm high, £4 (plus postage))





Monday 21 October 2013

Time for some photos...........

First there was patchwork, a cushion (approximately 40 cm by 40 cm, £12 (plus postage)) - just because I'd never done it and had some lovely Laura Ashley fabric in the cupboard.
After that, one step further - a quilt!! A small one (60cm by 100cm approx., £25 (plus postage))
Then a slightly bigger one (80 cm by 100 cm, £40 (plus postage)).  I love my quilts!  They are made using 100 % cotton Laura Ashley fabric and 200 mm wadding.



Sunday 29 September 2013

first ever

Oh my goodness, I seem to have followed the instructions (I never read instructions!) and gone and created myself a blog (a what?! I am technologically inept). 

This blog (in the name of my very lovely daughter, Rosie Mae), is my first serious step towards becoming, dare I say it.................a little bit self employed!  To be brief (for now!), I've spent the last 8 years trying to become self employed and not really even come up with an idea.  Then, I started making stuff and really enjoyed it. 

I met Dear Emma (run by Cathy, I think) at a craft fair and she told me making stuff (hers is very, very good - google Dear Emma and have a look.  Am I supposed to post a link or something?!) can make a good second income.  So far, not much in the way of filthy luchre has come my way.  A few disastrous craft markets and I was about to give up.  Then I met the lovely Gemma who owns and runs The Alcove in Bakewell.  She took some of my things and they are selling!! (Find Gemma on Facebook - search The Alcove, Bakewell).

Anyway, this is just a tester.  I shall be back with pictures and chat.  I think people talk about their idyllic lives.  You know the thing - home bakes cakes, biscuits, homemade lemonade,
well behaved, polite kids playing nicely doing crafts etc.  Mine will be honest!  I have 3 gorgeous, lovely children but boy can they push me.  I've tried the homemade lemonade and they hated it.  I try not to shout, but I do.  I'd love to be appreciated, but I'm not.  I could go on but 2 paragraphs up I promised I wouldn't go on and now look at me 2 paragraphs on.

If anybody ever reads this I shall be chuffed to bloody bits.