Sunday 29 September 2013

first ever

Oh my goodness, I seem to have followed the instructions (I never read instructions!) and gone and created myself a blog (a what?! I am technologically inept). 

This blog (in the name of my very lovely daughter, Rosie Mae), is my first serious step towards becoming, dare I say it.................a little bit self employed!  To be brief (for now!), I've spent the last 8 years trying to become self employed and not really even come up with an idea.  Then, I started making stuff and really enjoyed it. 

I met Dear Emma (run by Cathy, I think) at a craft fair and she told me making stuff (hers is very, very good - google Dear Emma and have a look.  Am I supposed to post a link or something?!) can make a good second income.  So far, not much in the way of filthy luchre has come my way.  A few disastrous craft markets and I was about to give up.  Then I met the lovely Gemma who owns and runs The Alcove in Bakewell.  She took some of my things and they are selling!! (Find Gemma on Facebook - search The Alcove, Bakewell).

Anyway, this is just a tester.  I shall be back with pictures and chat.  I think people talk about their idyllic lives.  You know the thing - home bakes cakes, biscuits, homemade lemonade,
well behaved, polite kids playing nicely doing crafts etc.  Mine will be honest!  I have 3 gorgeous, lovely children but boy can they push me.  I've tried the homemade lemonade and they hated it.  I try not to shout, but I do.  I'd love to be appreciated, but I'm not.  I could go on but 2 paragraphs up I promised I wouldn't go on and now look at me 2 paragraphs on.

If anybody ever reads this I shall be chuffed to bloody bits. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm your first and, therefore, biggest fan! I'm totally proud of you, darling, and your amazing talent for making gorgeous things. I'm afraid I may have to insist on being first to buy your lovely things since I'm technophobic and yet still managing a) to find your blog and b) to assemble a sentence on your blog. Bet you're well impressed. xxxxx
